OpenBSD 7.3 on an APU-PC as a DSL Router ======================================== .. |date| date:: .. sidebar:: Info .. image:: ../images/logo-openbsd.png .. index:: openbsd, dsl, pppoe, unbound, dhcpd, pf.conf forwarding, internet router, dsl router .. note:: DISCLAIMER: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! The purpose of this howto is to show what my configuration looks like after I installed OpenBSD 7.3 on my APU-PC, so that it can act as a router. Some of the steps are being done with the help of QEMU on my Desktop. Hence, the QEMU-Commandlines are specific to the particular Operating system on it. Which, concidentally, is also OpenBSD 7.3. It is going to use unbound as DNS, and dhcpd, along with pf as firewall and PPPoE for Internet connectivity. In addition to this, an Ethernet Connected Phone will also be added. When ready, the machine can be used as a replacement for any Fritz-Box. Bill of materials ----------------- My hardware setup looks like this: :: 1 DSL Connection by M-Net 1 DSL Modem (Not a DSL router) 1 APU-PC (But any other PC would do) 1 Printer 1 TV 1 Telephone (VoIP, Ethernet connection) 1 WiFi Access Point 1 Hub Several Notebooks/PCs/SGI Indigos/Sun Ultras... (Phew! Quite the collection) Since the APU-PC has 3 Ethernet connections, I decided to create 2 subnets: :: for wired Ethernet for WiFi Ethernet Why those numbers, you might ask? WTF not? ;) My subnet will be called dettus.privates Installation in QEMU -------------------- The APU-PC has an SD-Card slot, and it boots from there. Since it was more conveniant for me, I decided to prepare the Image for the SD Card in QEMU. I used my trusty OpenBSD desktop for that. The SD Card I had was 4 GByte in size, but 3 Gigabyte are enough for a DSL router. The closest OpenBSD mirror to my home is in Erlangen, so downloading the latest installation ISO, and starting the virtual machine can be done with the following commands: :: dumbuser@desktop> su - root@desktop> dd if=/dev/zero of=router.img bs=1M count=3096 root@desktop> ftp root@desktop> qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp cpus=1,cores=1 \ -drive format=raw,file=router.img \ -cdrom install73.iso -boot d \ -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=network0 \ -netdev user,id=network0,hostfwd=tcp::2001-:22 \ -serial telnet:localhost:4321,server,nowait \ -display vnc=:1 .. note:: Pro Tip: You are going to copy and paste those lines anyways. Paste them in a shell script. WAY easier to correct typos this way. Once QEMU is running, it can be accessed with the vnc viewer on console: :: dumbuser@desktop> vncviewer :1 (side note: I used tigervnc.) Installing OpenBSD ------------------ If you have done it once, you can do this in your sleep. If not, do not hesitate to press CTRL+C and CTRL+D to start the installation over. * I must apologize, I do not remember the order in which those questions came up. * One thing you will have to decide on is the HOSTNAME, I have decided to use router.dettus.privates. The (W)hole Disk can be used for OpenBSD, I wanted to create a (C)ustom Layout: In the disklabel editor, I created three slices: :: a: size 2G, mount point / b: size 512M, type swap d: size 512M (the rest), mount point /tmp When the packages are to be selected, I deselected the Xenocara packages by typing in: :: -x* As for the installation medium: Chose the cd0 option, it is the fastest. Or a network mirror if you prefer: :: * VERY IMPORTANT * Set up a dumbuser. (Y)es, run sshd (N)o, do not permit root login (Y)es, change the console to COM0 Baud rate: 115200 The APU PC comes with a vintage UART on the front side, so Answering the last two questions will allow you to access the console in case of a Network meltdown. (H)alt the machine when everything has been installed. Running the VM -------------- In theory, you are ready to write the image to the SD Card and perform the next couple of steps directly on the APU-PC. TRUST ME: This is easier. The installation required a graphic console, and VNC was used to do the job. But since the console was changed to COM0, it is now possible to have the serial output in the same terminal window in which QEMU is running: :: root@desktop> qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp cpus=1,cores=1 \ -drive format=raw,file=router.img \ -cdrom install73.iso -boot c \ -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=network0 \ -netdev user,id=network0,hostfwd=tcp::2001-:22 \ -nographic With this, it is now possible to connect from a second terminal window with ssh . Do this, become root: :: dumbuser@desktop> ssh -p 2001 dumbuser@localhost dumbuser@router> su - Password: root@router> whoami Base configuration ------------------ In the /etc/rc.conf, I changed the following lines: :: library_aslr=NO # NOT reordering the libraries at boot time is faster dhcpd_flags=NO # This is correct unbound_flags="" # Not sure if this is the proper way to write, it worked resolvd_flags=NO # Otherwise, it screws up the resolv.conf I also created an /etc/sysctl.conf: :: echo "net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" >/etc/sysctl.conf And changed the installation source: :: echo "" >/etc/installurl At this point, it is a good idea to reboot: :: root@router> reboot Network configuration --------------------- The APU-PC has three Ethernet connectors: em0, em1 and em2. The connection to the internet is realized through PPPoE, and my Internet provider needed vlan40 for some reason. I wanted to have two networks: and I decided to use em0 for the 3.x subnet, em1 for connecting the DSL modem and em2 for the 70.x subnet. So, in the end, I had to create 5 hostname files: :: root@router> echo "inet NONE" >/etc/hostname.em0 root@router> echo "up" >/etc/hostname.em1 root@router> echo "inet NONE" >/etc/hostname.em2 root@router> echo "vlan 40 vlandev em1 up" >/etc/hostname.vlan40 root@router> echo "inet pppoedev vlan40 autoproto chap authname authkey NOTTHISONEEITHER mtu 1452 up" >/etc/hostname.pppoe0 Spoiler alert: hostname.pppoe0 does not work for you. ;) DNS configuration: unbound -------------------------- Again, I had two subnets. and In the previous chapter, I set my IP addresses for this machine to the IP addresses and I had a TV and a printer, and I wanted those to have the same IP addresses with the DHCP later, as well as the access point. So, in the end, my /var/unbound/unbound.conf looked like this: :: server: access-control: refuse access-control: allow access-control: ::0/0 refuse access-control: ::1 allow access-control: allow access-control: allow verbosity: 0 interface: interface: interface: port: 53 do-ip4: yes do-ip6: no do-udp: yes do-tcp: yes prefer-ip6: no harden-glue: yes harden-dnssec-stripped: yes use-caps-for-id: no edns-buffer-size: 1232 prefetch: yes num-threads: 1 so-rcvbuf: 1m private-address: local-zone: "dettus.privates." static # wired network local-data: "router.dettus.privates. IN A" local-data: "printer.dettus.privates. IN A" local-data: "television.dettus.privates. IN A" local-data: "telephone.dettus.privates. IN A" local-data-ptr: " router.dettus.privates" local-data-ptr: " printer.dettus.privates" local-data-ptr: " television.dettus.privates" local-data-ptr: " telephone.dettus.privates" # WiFi network local-data: "router2.dettus.privates. IN A" local-data: "access-point.dettus.privates IN A" local-data-ptr: " router2.dettus.privates" local-data-ptr: " access-point.dettus.privates" Afterwards, it should be possible to enable unbound: :: root@router> unbound-checkconf /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf root@router> rcctl enable unbound root@router> rcctl disable resolvd # this program screws up the resolv.conf root@router> echo "nameserver" >/etc/resolv.conf .. note:: If you are still inside the vm, it will fail to start the unbound server! DHCP configuration: dhcpd ------------------------- The way I did it was by creating two configuration files, and to start the dhcpd twice, one for each interface em0 and em2. I wanted my appliances to have the same IP address. So after I found out their MAC-Adress, I was able to write the configurations. Since the IP addresses where already configured in the nameserver, it was possible to use hostnames in the /etc/dhcpd.em0 (Note the special nameserver for the printer): :: shared-network LOCAL-NET { option domain-name "dettus.privates"; option domain-name-servers; default-lease-time 5000; max-lease-time 7200; subnet netmask { range; option routers; option domain-name-servers; } host printer { hardware ethernet ab:cd:ef:00:01:23; fixed-address printer.dettus.privates; option routers; option domain-name-servers; } host television { hardware ethernet ab:cd:ef:00:11:42; fixed-address television.dettus.privates; option routers; option domain-name-servers; } host telephone { hardware ethernet be:af:87:81:12:65; fixed-address telephone.dettus.privates; option routers; option domain-name-servers; } } The /etc/dhcpd.em2 looked similar, albeit for different subnet: :: shared-network LOCAL-NET { option domain-name "dettus.privates"; option domain-name-servers; default-lease-time 5000; max-lease-time 7200; subnet netmask { range; option routers; option domain-name-servers; } host access-point { hardware ethernet 80:86:23:de:ad:42; fixed-address access-point.dettus.privates; option routers; option domain-name-servers; } } The pf.conf ----------- Apparently, port 5060 is needed for the VoIP telephone. In the end, my /etc/pf.conf looked like this: :: set skip on lo block return pass block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010 ext_if="pppoe0" int0_if="em0" int2_if="em2" match on $ext_if scrub (max-mss 1340) match out on pppoe0 inet from $int0_if:network to any nat-to ($ext_if) match out on pppoe0 inet from $int2_if:network to any nat-to ($ext_if) #match in on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 80 rdr-to port 8080 # In case I want to run a HTTP server one day # For the telephone pass in quick on $ext_if proto { tcp, udp } from $ext_if to any port 5060 keep state My patches (aka spit and duct-tape) ----------------------------------- The way I configured everything was somehow incompatible with the way OpenBSD works. For some reason, the PPPoE network was not coming up at the right point in time, so I had to hack my /etc/rc. Usually, the /etc/rc ends like this: :: # Re-link the kernel, placing the objects in a random order. # Replace current with relinked kernel and inform root about it. /usr/libexec/reorder_kernel & date exit 0 I took the liberty of adding a few lines: :: # Re-link the kernel, placing the objects in a random order. # Replace current with relinked kernel and inform root about it. /usr/libexec/reorder_kernel & # go online ifconfig pppoe0 `cat /etc/hostname.pppoe0` sleep 5 # set the proper default route route add default `ifconfig pppoe0 | grep "inet " | awk -F" " '{ print $4; }' -` # restart the firewall pfctl -d pfctl -e -f /etc/pf.conf # start the dhcp daemons dhcpd -c /etc/dhcpd.em0 em0 dhcpd -c /etc/dhcpd.em2 em2 date exit 0 .. note:: There is maybe a proper way to do this, and those changes will be lost during a sysupgrade, but it worked for me! :) Finally: Prepare the SD-Card for the APU-PC ------------------------------------------- Once the changes are done, shut down the VM: :: root@router> halt Plug in the SD Card to your desktop. Find out which the proper device for the SD card is: :: root@desktop> dmesg Lets assume it is sd9. (Even if you are doing this on Linux, you should find it out the same way): :: root@desktop> dd if=router.img of=/dev/rsd9c bs=1M First boot ---------- Once the SD card has been prepared, put it inside your APU-PC, connect it via serial cable to your desktop and connect to it. Personally, I recommend minicom. :: root@desktop> minicom -s # to set it up The device on my machine was /dev/ttyU0. I had to disable the hardware flow control, but once I have saved the configuration, I was able to use: :: root@desktop> minicom I suppose, cu works as well, but I have not used it: :: root@desktop> cu -l /dev/ttyU0 -s 115200 Make sure your APU-PC boots correctly. Have a look at the /etc/resolv.conf, or if resolvd screwed it up before: :: root@router> cat /etc/resolv.conf nameserver If it did, make sure resolvd is disabled, reboot, rewrite /etc/resolv.conf. Test your DSL connection: :: root@router> ifconfig pppoe0 root@router> ping Test unbound by using: :: root@router> nameserver > server > Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address: > exit Make sure the dhcpds are working: :: root@router> ps auxww | grep -i dhcp _dhcp 12458 0.0 0.0 832 1532 ?? Ipc 7:00AM 0:00.01 dhcpd -c /etc/dhcpd.em0 em0 _dhcp 2055 0.0 0.0 824 1492 ?? Ipc 7:00AM 0:00.01 dhcpd -c /etc/dhcpd.em2 em2 And your new router is ready. Enjoy!